How to get rid of bloating?

It feels great to not be bloated all the time! I was diagnosed with IBS when I was 15. Since then I have struggled with feeling bloated almost daily until this year. This year I have made some changes in my diet and in my lifestyle too. Here are my tips on “How to get rid of bloating?”

Managing stress

Stress can cause bloating. I stress pretty much about everything, so this one has been pretty difficult for me. This whole year I have worked on my mindset and focusing on self care. I have taken time off from social media when I have felt like it and spent more time with my friends. I used to feel like my stress and anxiety were controlling me, but this year I have tried to let go of that thought and I have really started to live my life. Focusing on living in the moment and not worrying about the future too much has been helpful. Writing lists, making sure that I sleep enough, eating healthily and moving my body have really helped with my stress levels.

Mindful eating

Listening to my body and eating when I feel hungry and what I crave for has made my life a lot easier. I used to eat obsessively healthily and restrict myself from eating certain foods when I skated. Now I feel like I have found a balance, everything in moderation is really the key.

Finding a diet that fits for me

We are all different. What works for me might not work for you. I have IBS and low-FODMAP diet has helped me a lot. The point of the low FODMAP diet is finding out the foods that trigger your IBS symptoms and then avoiding eating them. In short, I eat a gluten-free & lactose-free diet and no onion, garlic or apples. You should always consult your doctor or dietitian before doing any big changes into your diet. It’s very important to eat a diverse diet, so you shouldn’t cut any foods or food groups out of your diet without a reason.


A lack of sleep affects us in many ways. When you sleep enough, you are less stressed and that way less bloated. A lack of sleep can cause bloating also because it causes us to crave more carbohydrates, which can lead to overeating and feeling bloated.


If I haven’t moved my body at all in a day I feel awful. Doing some sort of exercise daily really makes me feel so much better mentally and physically. Whenever I feel very bloated, I like to go for a long walk in the nature.

Eat at regular intervals

You might have noticed that you have felt bloated after eating a big meal. Eating several smaller meals can help to keep the digestive system moving.

Drinking lots of water

Water can help keep your digestive tract moving. It can also help to restore the sodium balance, so your body will give up fluids and you won’t feel so bloated anymore.

Avoid sugar alcohols

Sugar alcohols can cause bloating in many people. There are lots of artificial sweeteners in foods, so reading the nutritional labels carefully is important.

Avoid salty foods

An excess amount of sodium causes the body to retain water which is why after eating a salty meal you might notice that even your face looks puffy.

Try probiotics

Probiotics can really help with bloating especially if you have IBS. Choose a high-quality supplement that has been independently tested for potency and purity.

Peppermint oil capsules and peppermint tea

Peppermint oil capsules and peppermint tea can really help with IBS symptoms, because peppermint relaxes the intestinal muscles.

There are lots of ways to reduce bloating, but these are the ones that I have found helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to comment on this post, send me an email or DM me on Instagram.

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